Thursday, April 12, 2012

started with a whimper and ended with a bang!

On Easter Sunday Elizabeth and I drove 12 hours to Kansas City to get ready for a week of rehab. The drive was uneventful and easy for me because I just sit there. Elizabeth and I seem to have endless conversation because we never turn on the music.   The next 3 days we worked on fine tuning my weak spots. And I have many that get uncovered as the days progress.  For example, my   left foot turns out 45 degrees when I walk I don’t walk with my feet shoulder width apart and my left foot alignment is not really in front of my right.  It’s a wonder I walk at all after getting critiqued by Tracy, my physical therapist.  We practiced getting down up from the floor in the event I fall.  We worked a lot on my left arm which I tend to neglect because it doesn’t move.  I have purposefully built up my right arm but it is now so asymmetrical that I cannot afford to neglect the left anymore.  Elizabeth and her husband, Chuck have the world’s most comfortable home and guest room.  I was treated like royalty for 4 days.  The first morning Chuck made French toast and sizzled ham for breakfast.  Every evening we sat on their l patio on a lake, drank wine while Chuck prepared dinner.  Every night was something unique and delicious.   I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am for their hospitality and interest in my rehab.  We discovered that my leg brace no longer fits me and II was fitted for a new one so will return to K.C in a week or so.
Ending with a bang, I flew home today.  After landing, the support person wheeled me to the baggage claim area.  I requested a bathroom stop first. She took me to the handicap bathroom.  I walk in, put my phone on the counter and walk to the toilet.  On the way, I tripped and fell.  I can’t really explain why I fell.  I think I tripped on the drain in the middle of the floor.   I think, there is a bar here so I can get up by myself.  But, I’m also creeped out about being on this bathroom floor I’m weighing practicing my Tracy teachings with taking the easy way out.   So I drag myself to the door and ask the attendant to help me up. She does and I get up and now totally rattled at what just happened. I’m worried that I could have really been hurt and broken something, but I didn’t.

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