Monday, November 21, 2011


What performance draws a 2000 person audience vs. a 5 person audience?
What performer has a 10 piece orchestra vs. a 50 piece orchestra?
Who is a 79 year old diva vs. a 29 year old diva?
What costs $58 per ticket vs. $22 per ticket?
What performance is 2 hours late and which starts on time?
Which diva has size 40 double D’s vs. size 36D’s?

In each case the higher number correlates to Aretha Franklin and her concert I attended last Tuesday. The lower number correlates to the  Don Giovanni opera live in HD at the Met a simulcast I attended last Wednesday. While sitting at the opera I couldn’t stop focusing on the juxtaposition between the 2 performances. They were equally entertaining while being so different musically. I attended both performances by myself and this gives me strength to do things outside my comfort zone.

Oh how I wish I could drive! I would go to so many more.

I ask myself why, in addition to loving all music, did I love these performances? Because it provided an escape. In a dark room, surrounded by music, all things stroke fade away.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"A fool born every day and 2 to take 'em"

I have a daily job search regimen.  I subscribe to all the Internet sites such as, Jobungo, etc.  I review the opportunities sent to me from these sites daily.  In addition I work with DARs (Department and Rehabilitative Services) and they are no also now sending me opportunities via email.

About a month ago I received a text from an unknown source asking for mystery shoppers and you can earn $50 an hour. I know $50 isn’t much and since I no longer wear regular shoes, I have no shoe budget or expense. I do, however, still have a clothing fetish.  I responded to the number in the text and basically they want you to shop for items they pick and subsequently fill out paperwork about your experience. It is an effort to improve the customer experience. Every time you do this you make $50 .So you see, you can make as much as you are willing to devote the time. They of course, ask for your credit card to enroll and charge $2.95.  Then they send you a series of emails to help you get started. I think I better fast forward to the end of this venture because once I mentioned the credit card, I can almost hear the gasps through the modem lines. Before I looked at the first product they wanted me to evaluate, I searched the Internet for mystery shoppers. The first entry discussed what a scam it was. Evidently the individual shopped, filled out the paperwork, etc. but could never get paid. They did this repeatedly and very frustrated. This on top of the fact that once a mystery shopper “member “they charge your credit card $49,00 per month  Obviously the math doesn’t work.  This monthly coupled with having to pay a driver an hourly rate to take me to do the shopping. Thankfully, American Express reversed all charges and has a 7 year block on this vendor for any future purchases.
Since the stroke I dabbled with selling Arbonne, listened to the prepaid legal credit cards pitch. Just last week listened to another MLM pitch. About Japanese wellness products.

I hope you walk away with two themes:   I want to and will work again one day.  I will wait for the right opportunity and not do anything stupid. 
The leads from DARS ARE administrative/clerical in nature but if I could get my foot in the door with something lower level I’m all for it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On being left behind

When I worked I’d travel and spend a lot of time in the office. Bob and I weren’t constantly together. We had stuff we needed to do and we did it. Now Bob has stuff he needs to do and he does it. Sometimes I get left behind. I’m totally ok with this. We sometimes have to break our co-dependence. As my sister Marty said we are like an old retired couple, it just happened a lot earlier than planned.  I secretly revel in my independence.  I have my routine, my friends and my connections via the web. I reach out daily to friends and colleagues looking for work or just checking in. I would love to have gone on this latest trip with Bob but he didn’t take me for a several reasons. First, he felt the urge to drive across the country instead of fly and that would be too hard for me – maybe, maybe not. Second, he didn’t know what he was getting into on the handicap side. Third, I would slow him down.  We had no way of knowing how much i would slow him down but to extend a 1300 mile trip was not an option.  I believe I can do these things. Yes, I’m a little slower. Yes, I need some support. But no, I don’t like being left out.  I think it is more that I want the option of being asked than really wanting to sit in cargo van for 2 days. My assistant Katherine and I spent last week prepping the van for Bob’s trip. We had a blast making sure he had the perfect cooler that fit between the seats, and was easily accessible, the perfect trail mix, beef and turkey jerky, waters, and P.B. and J’s. (Translation:  peanut butter and jelly sandwiches). 
I’ve always been a curious person. I want to see and experience more of what life has to offer. I love being in this world and all it brings. I am confident that Bob will document the trip so well that it will be the equivalent of having been there. Still, I would like to have had the option to say “no thanks” you go.