Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I sometimes have to write about topics several times. At the risk of repeating myself to let the message “sink in”. This time it’s about stroke survivors needing something to look forward to. In my case it’s an upcoming trip to New York. The trip is centered on visiting my niece and attending A Street Car Named Desire, in which she has the lead role. I’m meeting three of my sisters in New Jersey. We are planning several site-seeing activities during our visit including the Guggenheim Museum, the 911 Memorial and hopefully, the Donald Judd exhibit. I find myself energized. While planning, though, I have to consider how not to be a burden being with three able-bodied adults. To that end, I am practicing walking so as not to be a burden while walking in the cold. I have to figure out how to increase my stamina and be able to do things out of my comfort zone since I’m used to staying home most days. This includes walking in different temperatures, on uneven payment, and in new territory that I may or may not be able to navigate. Being with my sisters is a great motivator since they are fun, highly intelligent, caring women. I will report after my trip with an honest assessment of my ability to travel. I also view this as a test. If I accomplish my goals, i. e. stamina and walking strong, it may mean future trips with Bob where I am not a burden, which should be the goal of anyone with a disability – standing on their own two feet (so to speak).

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