Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I have a favorite lyric from a song in the White Christmas movie:, “There were never such devoted sisters.” I experienced this devotion in the last 10 days during two of my sister’s visits to Austin. Theresa came first and we had a lot of fun. We had really good meals together, saw two movies and attended the “One night with Janis Joplin” show. Theresa along with my siblings also gave me with an astonishing birthday surprise on Friday. With Theresa, you have to be a little careful what you say because she makes dreams come true. She knows I have a goal to be able to sing again. She arranged for me to have four sessions with a vocal coach. After session two, I am singing, albeit not pretty, but I’m doing it. Together we are trying to “find my voice” again. Susie then arrived and we met up with Theresa in Houston to visit my parents. It was a thrill for me to observe the devotion and kindness they show my parents they made healthy, wonderful meals, developed a more healthy meal plan regimen. They wanted to ensure my parent’s quality of live is the best it can be at their advancing ages. They developed memory tools for Mom. Upon our return to Austin, Susie was then focused on getting her daughter safely ensconced in her apartment. She took the time to see to my every need before her return to Las Vegas. She made sure that I had food prepared throughout the weekend and we brainstormed tools to improve my independence. She and I discussed how I could live more frugally. I miss them terribly now that they returned to their homes. Stroke survivors tend to need care giving from multiple sources. As the music goes, it was true in the 50’s and true today; I am so grateful and fortunate to have five such devoted sisters.

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