Wednesday, June 8, 2016


For the most part, confidence is good. However, recently it almost got me into trouble.  I’m so enamored with my new walker, that I took it on a trip to the movies on my own.  I was dropped off early by a friend to start getting the tickets. I made it to the ticket counter fine and on my way to my movie, I stopped in the bathroom. I go to open the door and have my hand on the handle when something pulls me very hard.  It was a man on the other side trying to open the door.  I was grateful to have the door opened because it was heavy but he almost pulled my arm out of its socket.  Once inside, I had to get through yet another heavy door.  I could not open it so I headed back to the main door and remembered this one was heavy too.  So here I am 15 minutes before the movie starts and I can’t get through either door to get to the movie location. I weigh my options:  wait or call my friend.  I elected to wait and someone eventually helped me open the doors.  My confidence lets me know there are many things I can do, but I need to know my limitations and have a plan B. 

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