It’s a good thing.
I’m anticipating two big events.
The first is two weeks in Guatemala at a Spanish immersion
school over the Christmas holiday. I was
invited by a friend who attended the same school several years ago. At first Bob and I went through the reasons
why this may not be good idea such as:
What if you fall
What if 5 hours of class a day is too much for you
What if you get homesick after the first week? (Why not
consider one week vs two)
How will you shower?
What if you get sick from drinking the water?
What are you going to do in this country the other 14 hours
when you’re not in class?
Walking will be very difficult due to the cobblestone
The school was wonderful in addressing all my concerns. For this reason and my mother-in-law, I am
now going to Guatemala in December.
Fortunately for me, she is in a “Just say yes. mode and persuaded Bob
that we should do the same. It has been a goal for as long as I can remember to
speak Spanish fluently.
The second event is a trip to Costa Rica in February An
early 60th birthday gift from my sister-in-law and her husband. The
timing couldn’t be better as it will allow me to immediately reinforce the
Spanish after the school
My family and friends are helping me fulfill my lifelong
goals. They see the whys and aren’t intimidated by the why nots. It takes a