Sunday, April 28, 2013

a reset

Several years after my stroke I aspired for independent living.  Now that I have it I can safely say it’s worth it but not all its cracked up to be.  Bob does not come home every weekend due to work demands but when he does I refer to him as “reset Bob”. This weekend in less than24 hours he:
·        Reset the TV (it wasn’t working before he came)
·        Fixed things around the house so it will show better such as burning brush down by the driveway; he also removed a lot of clutter
·        Reset my eating and sleeping habits (I don’t do either well when he is away)
·        Took care of my Mexican food fix
·        Made sure my trike is  maintained
·        Found a King snake and made sure it will not get in my way
·        Recalibrated my speech I have to give on Tuesday to UT Speech and Hearing grad students
·        Overall, it is just more fun with Bob around
In my last blog, I suggested if you don’t have form of exercise, you should get one.  Today I recommend if you don’t have a “Bob/partner, you should get could argue that if I was truly independent, why do I need “resetting” and my answer is:  “I just do.”

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