Saturday, September 10, 2011

It’s the little things

Activities that I will describe below make me realize #1 how lucky I am to be alive and #2, sometimes the  simplest little things have the biggest impact.   On Tuesday morning, Bob surprised me with a breakfast stop at a local taco stand.  He knows my favorite thing in the world is to go out to breakfast and through a mutual friend recently discovered a taco shack about 3 miles from home.  It was a beautiful morning, the first with the cool front and the first non-triple digit degree day in 79 days!  We looked at a friend’s house she is trying to buy and then taco stand a block away.  It is only outdoor seating and we ordered migas tacos.  They are fresh, hot, grilled and crispy.  Absolutely scrumptious!  And we came home to Orioles and Road Runners working the trees.

We ate among local residents also enjoying this first cool morning.  We came home and both in such good moods. This is an exceptional taco stand.
As I look back to the goals of the blog to assist stroke survivors in their recovery, I ask myself, how could this blog possibly help? Try to do one small thing that brings you joy a week.  The more spontaneous, the better. Example could include:
Anticipate one thing each day survivor needs without having to ask. Whether it is applying lotion where I can no longer reach; replacing dental floss element, putting cream in my coffee, a simple acknowledgement of the effort each day takes…
This is as much a message for the caregiver as the survivor.  In fact, perhaps as stroke survivors we should aspire and conduct a spontaneous, joyful act for our respective caregivers once a week.
Example for caregiver is: Tell your caregiver to take a “me” day, acknowledge their effort with a “thank you” – it really is the little things that make life a pleasure. 

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