Tuesday, June 7, 2011

On the Road

I told Bob the other day I thought I was firing on all cylinders--mentally strong and physically stronger. I don’t want my physical challenges to impede my mental abilities. I feel very strongly about that.  Let me explain:

Yesterday on my way to DC for my stay at the NIH I took a United Express flight. Mentally I felt so sharp but the physical act of getting on the plane and deplaning were daunting. Then there was the steel box. That’s what my brother in law Doug calls the airplane restrooms. But I had to go. I told the woman next to me if I don’t show up in an hour send a search party. I do love the kindness of Americans – she said let me join you for the trip back there. I declined. I was in seat 15A. I had fifteen rows to get to the bathroom. The aisle was so tight that my left foot hit every seat and I had to grab every headrest. You know how that bugs you when someone does that. Then I had to back into the restroom, how awful.

Tracy (my therapist in KC) would have been very displeased with my left foot sticking out and catching. Seems more work is in order.

On the return trip to my seat, it was worse. My left foot stuck everywhere including a protruding backpack. It took thirty minutes and I hit my head twice! No more regional jets!

Just as I was regaining my composure this happened: The flight attendant asked me if when we arrived I could walk down the  stairs. These weren’t stairs; they were a cliff with indentations. I said, “no way”.

And then there was Manic Monday at the NIH…

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