Friday, May 22, 2015


Not all therapy is good therapy. Please let me explain.
I just completed five months of physical therapy.  The therapists and I set goals and every two weeks we mapped my progress towards these goals and in the end, we determined I was not progressing to justify continuing after this month.  Most of my issues revolve around walking and a fear of falling.  We tried Botox a new leg brace and mental exercises to deal with anxiety concerns. The therapists have their “cookie-cutter” treatment path that’s scripted.  Bob and I believed the scripted therapy did not work for me. The harder it got. The more I withdrew and the more therapy I received, the worse I got. My attitude became negative I think because I was not accustomed to failing. I stopped looking forward to attending.  The last session anti-anxiety drugs were recommended and I was not willing to do this so I decided to see if I can progress on my own.  I believe I needed time away to let sink in what they were trying to do.
I think I missed the target so rather than continuing to spend dollars. I elected to stop and figure it out on my own. I need sometime to figure out how to move forward.
In lieu of therapy, I’ve decided to focus on my volunteer work.  I have to walk challenging terrain, take messages, and answer calls.  It is a thrill on Thursday morning to say I going to work now.